Typical Peruvian Jungle Dances

Danzas típicas de la selva peruana

The typical dances of the Peruvian jungle are characterized mostly by being dances of war or local rituals. These dances are performed by different ethnic and non-ethnic groups inside and outside Peru.

The typical dances of the jungle have characteristics that differentiate them from the other dances of Peru. These dances represent the customs and traditions of the habitants of the area. Here is a list of the main dances of the jungle, pay attention!

Typical Dances of the Jungle

1.- Siritacuy

The Siritacuy means “the ant that bites” in the Quechua language. It is one of the typical dances of the jungle with a mestizo combination since it mixes Creole elements with tribal roots.

It is danced in pairs, which give small jumps while simulating pinching, accompanied by ant bites or Sitaracos, which are typical of this jungle region.

Typical Peruvian Jungle Dances

Siritakuy Dance

2.- Danza de la Ayahuasca

This dance from the jungle of Peru is inspired by the work of the healers or shamans of the Amazon. The dance shows how the healer seeks to alleviate various diseases; these are entrusted to Mother Earth and the Father River to perform this work.

The shaman, through his chants, prepares the Ayahuasca and, according to his beliefs, entrusts himself to the good animals and the fierce animals of the jungle so that his cures are effective. The shaman or healer does not charge for his services, his work is compensated with animals such as birds and reptiles.

Typical Peruvian Jungle Dances

Ayahuasca Dance


3.- Danza del Orgullo Shipibo

This dance is characterized by expressing a religious feeling that at the same time is “magical”. The dancers impose their beauty while the men make an allegory of their strength.

Typical Peruvian Jungle Dances

Orgullo Shipibo Dance

4.- Fiesta de la Anaconda

It is a dance in honor of the anaconda snake, which is the maximum deity of this jungle ethnic group. The dance is performed with undulating movements by women simulating the anaconda. The men accompany them carrying sticks that they adorn with shapacas, which are beaten and shaken. This is one of the typical dances of the jungle.

Typical dances of the jungles

Anaconda Feast

5.- La Cajada

The cajada is a typical jungle dance that combines slow and fast rhythms. It is very typical in important events of the locals of Loreto. Its origins are indigenous and it has a certain pagan symbolism.

Typical dances of the jungles

The Cajada

6.- Danza del Amazonas

The Amazon dance is one of the typical dances of the jungle based on real events, where the dancers demonstrate in the choreography dexterity, agility, and skill. The natives dance it to be ready to go hunting and fishing, it gives great strength and inner motivation.

In this typical dance of the jungle, women participants show their beauty and above all a lot of strength, imposing respect and demonstrating that they are self-sufficient. They seek to show all their skills and courage.

Typical dances of the jungles

Amazonas Dance

7.- Danza de la Boa

This is a traditional dance that can be seen in the department of Ucayali in both the high and lowlands. Its main attraction is the boa to whom they pay homage to avoid curses or misfortunes in their crops.

Without fear and with much respect and pride, women carry these boas on their necks. It is a very joyful dance that is danced to the rhythm and beat of drums, quenillas, bass drums, manguare (handmade drum made from a tree trunk), and maracas.

Typical dances of the jungles

Boa Dance

8.- El Baile de la Pandilla

It is danced in the streets in groups when the patron saint festivities of a town are celebrated or during carnivals. Its enormous popularity is because it is usually performed in the main square of the town.

It is also danced at the tomb of the humisha, in February, the month of carnival. People move forward, backward, and move to the beat of the music; they brandish their handkerchiefs. The main message of the dance is the turbulent and contagious joy for the whole community, it is one of the most recognized typical dances of the jungle.

Typical dances of the jungles

Pandilla Dance

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